November 23, 2015. IFA News.
The Proyecto Fondecyt 79150053, of three years duration, titled, "FORTALECIMIENTO DE LA FÍSICA Y LA COMPUTACIÓN CIENTÍFICA EN EL INSTITUTO DE FÍSICA Y ASTRONOMÍA" winner in the Concurso Inserción en la Academia de CONICYT 2015, was awarded to Professor and investigator at IFA, Dr. Jose Villanueva (PI) together with Dr. Victor Cárdenas. The project contemplates the participation of Dr. Graeme Candlish, of scottish nationality, who will come to Valparaiso to reinforce the Academic Undergraduate Program in the Instituto de Fisica y Astronomia regarding the Licenciatura en Física career in its three specialties: Astronomy, Atmnospheric Sciences, and Scientifric Computing. In the image, Dr. Graeme Candlish
Associated link: List of winners