November 19, 2015 IFA News.
In Santiago, November 19, wednesday last, our investigator and member of the Instituto de Fisica y Astronomia, Dr. Amelia Bayo, received the "Premio Excelencia Científica Adelina Gutiérrez, 2015" prize, awarded to outstanding young investigators under 40 years of age. Dr. Maria Teresa Ruiz, Vicepresident of the Academia Chilena de Ciencias, herself winner of the "Premio Nacional de Ciencias Exactas" of 1997, congratulated Dr. Bayo on her achievements, who from a mathematics formation gravitated towards numbers and their use in astrophysics, where today this knwoledge is ndispensable for processing the great volumes of data resulting from observations done with current big Telescopes (ALMA, for example) and those being constructed.
Dr. Ruiz went on to note that in spite of Dr. Bayo´s young age, she already stands out in lieu of her extense and interesting research area around low mass stars, brown dwarfs, astrostatistics, and, not least, her efforts to do outreach in a science that has become very important to Chile. Dr. Bayo herself then gave a brief talk about her "Journey from Mathematics to Brown Dwarfs", these last only one aspect of her varied and interesting research area. The ceremony (including prizes to two other researchers, for "The Best PhD Thesis, 2014" and a "Special Prize") ended with a celebration cocktail. In the images. Dr. Bayo receives her prize from Dr. Maria Teresa Ruiz, and giving her talk to those who attended the ceremony
Associated links: UV News - News from the Academia de Ciencias - Prize announcement for Dr. Bayo