Proceedings Instructions
The proceedings will be published in the conference series of the
Revista Mexicana de AstronomĂa y AstrofĂsica. The RevMexAA is an open
access publication. It is distributed in print to 600 libraries and
available online free of charge. Conference participants will receive
a print copy.
Page Limits
The RMxAA(SC) is in format A4, and any contribution has a maximum of
4 pages. There are 2 styles, one for more than one page and the other
for contributions of only 1 page.
Normal Contributed talk/poster : up to 4 pages (template
One page contribution talk/poster: 1 page (template
Figures are required in grayscale!!
You will find in RMAA web page:
under section "LaTeX macros for preparing RevMexAA articles", in
format the style and associated LaTeX examples for this Latex Style.
All files needed to compile your final contribution, as well as a
fully compiled pdf-version, should be packed into a single compressed
archive, i.e. tar.gz or zip. Name this archive with your last name
and, in case you have multiple contributions, a number,
e.g. sarazin_1.tar.gz
Please send your contribution by e-mail to michel.cure@uv.cl
a maximum of 7 Mb can be accepted by this account.
All contributions must be submitted by March 15th, 2011.