Below you can download a PDF file with maps and directions on how to arrive to valparaiso.
Travel data
Buses depart from Santiago Bus Terminal to Valparaíso almost every ten minutes, the main companies being, Condor and Linea Azul. The bus terminal is on metro linea 1, "Universidad de Santiago" station.
You must take a bus with destination "Valparaíso".
Travel time: 2 hours.
The better way to arrive from the Valparaíso Terminal to the Hotel is by taxi. Taxi fees will be of 2500 or 3000 chilean pesos (5 or 6 US dollars). |
The rates to pay at the Hotel Diego de Almagro for those who attend our conference.
Rate |
View |
US$100 |
Mountain view room |
US$110 |
Hotel lateral view room |
US$125 |
Ocean view room |
A map Hotel Diego de Almagro:
The rates to pay at the Hotel Marina del Rey for those who attend our conference. US$120: Double room. |
A map Marina del Rey:
Hotel alternatives |