July 4, 2014. IFA News.
Last Wednesday, June 25, professor Samer Kanaan visited the Liceo Jean D'Alembert of Valparaíso to give the students a talk, titled “La Vida de las Estrellas y la Vida Alrededor de las Estrellas", and which was received with great interest by the students who learned to identify and classify stars using different criteria (color, temperature, among other characteristics) determined through the study of their spectra taken from the Earth, as well as how they evolve through their long lives. Professor Kanaan, who works in the Instituto de Física y Astronomía, stimulated the students to ask questions, who immediately took advantage of the offer, as this science enchants as well as offers great opportunities for the professional lives of the future generations. Associate link: News article of Alianza Francesa website.
August 12, 2014. Centro de Astrofísica de Valparaíso
New 3D imaging technique drops the veil on the velocity field of an old sun - revealing an invisible companion. How is it possible that HD 62623, a hot super-giant star on the verge of death, is surrounded by a disc, generally only associated with infant stars? Using long-baseline stellar interferometry at ESO's VLT interferometer, a team led by Florentin Millour from Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur and Anthony Meilland from Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy could generate for the first time a three-dimensional high angular and high spectral resolution image of this star and its closest environment. They conclude that a solar-mass companion star is the key to this mystery. To attain their goal, the researchers adapted an imaging technique from radio astronomy which uses interferometric datasets.