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Courses in this category

Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) AFG198 - El Universo Hoy
Vogt Nikolaus - Spanish
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) AQM - MECÁNICA CUÁNTICA AVANZADA 2024
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) CIV214 - FISICA I
Herrera Osvaldo - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) CIV324 - OSCILACIONES Y ONDAS
Herrera Osvaldo - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) FIS - Electivo
Gonzalez Ivan - English
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) FIS111 - Introducción a la Astronomía I
Vogt Nikolaus - Spanish
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) FIS126 - Introducción a la Astronomía II
Vogt Nikolaus - Spanish
Access allowed to anybody (even without login) FIS215 - Física Computacional 1
Gonzalez Jade - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) FIS220 - OPTICA Y ONDAS
Herrera Osvaldo - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) FIS225 - TERMODINAMICA
Herrera Osvaldo - Spanish
Access allowed to anybody (even without login) FIS226 - Física Computacional II
Gonzalez Jade - Spanish
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) FIS280 - Introducción a la Astrofísica
Vogt Nikolaus - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) FIS311 - Mecánica Intermedia
Candlish Graeme - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) FIS320 - Astronomia Estelar
Vuckovic Maja - Spanish
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) FIS4121415 - Relatividad General y Cosmologia
- Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) FIS414 - Estrellas Variables y Binarias
Vogt Nikolaus - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) ICN400 - Física Contemporánea - Ing. Informática
Herrera Osvaldo - Spanish
Access allowed to anybody (even without login) LFIS - ==============================Electromagnetismo - Semestre I - 2025 - ==============================
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS111 - INTRODUCCIÓN A LA FÍSICA - Semestre I 2023
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) LFIS111B - MECANICA 1
Herrera Osvaldo - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) LFIS112 - Intro Menciones I - Módulo Computación Científica
Candlish Graeme - Spanish_latin
Access allowed to anybody (even without login) LFIS112 - Introducción Menciones I - Módulo Ciencias Atmosféricas 2020
Cuevas Omar - Spanish
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS112N - Intro a Menciones. Ciencias Atmosféricas
julio marin julio marin - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) LFIS116 - Física Computacional I
Edgar Sanders - Spanish_latin
Access allowed to anybody (even without login) LFIS116 - Fisica Computacional I - 2020
Cuevas Omar - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) LFIS121 - Mecánica (2017)
Molina Quintin - Spanish
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS121 - MECÁNICA (Semestre II - 2020)
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed to anybody (even without login) LFIS125 - Introducción a las Menciones II - Módulo Computación Científica
Candlish Graeme - English
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS126 - Física Computacional II
julio marin julio marin - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) LFIS211 - ELECTROMAGNETISMO
Herrera Osvaldo - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) LFIS214 - Física Computacional III
julio marin julio marin - Spanish
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) LFIS222 - MMF I - Semestre II - 2021
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) LFIS224 - Termodinámica
Candlish Graeme - Spanish
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS311 - MMF II - 2022
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS312 - MECÁNICA INTERMEDIA - 2021
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS312 - MECÁNICA INTERMEDIA - 2023
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS321 - Mecánica Cuántica I - Semestre II - 2022
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS321 - QM I - Semestre II - 2021
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to course members (people on the user list) LFIS322 - Electromagnetismo Intermedio
José Villanueva - English
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS322 - ELECTROMAGNETISMO INTERMEDIO - 2023
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS412 - MECÁNICA CUÁNTICA II - 2023
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LFIS422 - Técnicas de Cálculo Avanzado Semestre II - 2022
Gonzalez Ivan - Spanish_latin

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